
Ext.Button extension for Sencha Touch 2.x

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Class: Ext.ux.MultiBadgeButton
Author: Brian Jerome
Version: 1.0

Ext.Button extension for Sencha Touch 2.x

The MultiBadgeButton supports up to 4 different badges. Each badge is customizable with CSS. This class is fully customizable and open-source as long as this work is credited.

The default locations are in a counter-clockwise formation as follows:

  • Badge 1: top-right
  • Badge 2: top-left
  • Badge 3: bottom-left
  • Badge 4: bottom-right

The MultiBadgeButton can also just take 1 badge and still behave like a normal Ext.Button, but what is the fun in that?

You can view a Demo fiddle at: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/6q


Simple MultiBadgeButton

You can create a simple MultiBadgeButton with this code:

Ext.create('Ext.Container', {
  fullscreen: true,
  padding: '2em',
  items: [{
    xtype: 'multibadgebutton',
    text: '4 Badges',
    badgeAmount: 4,
    badgeText: '1',
    badge2Text: '2',
    badge3Text: '3',
    badge4Text: '4',
    width: 150

Setting Badge Texts

Setting the badge text is super easy. Just supply the text with an optional badge number:

//sets the text of the second badge on the MultiBadgeButton referenced in 'button'.
button.setBadgeText('Foo', 2);


Copy the MultiBadgeButton.js and multibadgebutton.css into your working project directory following your project's architecture.