
Creates a subclass of the Ext.field.Radio to allow for a smaller radio mask for Sencha Touch 2.3.x.

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Class: Ext.field.SmallRadio
Author: Brian Jerome
Version: 1.0

Ext.field.Radio extension for Sencha Touch 2.3.x

This subclass allows for a smaller radio mask. The initial request for this follows on the forum post: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?282861-Resize-radiofield-bullet

This class is fully customizable and open-source as long as this work is credited.

You can view a Demo fiddle at: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/4dg


SmallRadio Field

You can create a simple small-radio field with this code:

Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
    fullscreen: true,
    items: [
            xtype: 'small-radiofield', 
            name : 'color',
            value: 'red',
            label: 'Red',
            checked: true
            xtype: 'radiofield',
            name : 'color',
            value: 'green',
            label: 'Green'
            xtype: 'small-radiofield',
            name : 'color',
            value: 'blue',
            label: 'Blue'


Copy the SmallRadio.js and small-radio.css into your working project directory following your project's architecture.